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Published issues
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2013 2015
Issue Vol. 29, No. 4, 2015 - The developments leading to the concept of the circulation of the blood
M.W. Rampling
2016-02-02 - Influence of polyacrylic acid nanoparticles on the elastic properties of RBCs membranes in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2
G. B. Melnikova, N. S. Kuzhel, T. N. Tolstaya, E. E. Konstantinova, E. S. Drozd, O. N. Shishko, T. G. Mokhort, N. Antonova, A. Kowalczuk, N. Koseva
2016-03-15 - Effect of glucose on formation of three dimensional aggregates of red blood cells
A. Szolna-Chodor, M. Bosek, B. Grzegorzewski
2016-03-15 - Application of light and partially resorbable meshes in Bulgaria
M. Kirilova-Doneva, D. Pashkouleva, S. Sopotensky, G. Petrova, N. Gerassimov, М. Kamusheva
2016-03-15 - Experimental construction of the fabric tensor for trabecular bone tissue
V. Tverier, A. Kichenko, Y. Nyashin, V. Lokhov
2016-03-15 - Mathematical modelling of trabecular bone tissue remodelling under load
V. Tverier, A. Kichenko, Y. Nyashin, V. Lokhov
2016-03-15 - Positive effect of bemiparin to blood flow
M. Mantskava, N. Momtselidze, L. Davlianidze, T.Urdulashvili
2016-03-15 - Initial attempt to estimate rheological and haemostatic factors in hypertension from among the Bulgarian population
S. Stoeff, Sv. Jovtchev, T. Galabova, B. Bechev, N. Trifonova, I. Buteva, I. Dikov, M. Vretenarska, A. Mladenova
2016-03-15 - Rheological properties of the blood and changes of oscillations in skin temperature after cold test in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
V. Paskova, N. Antonova, N. Chaushev, I. Velcheva
2016-03-15 - Rheological blood properties under conditions of mechanical stress
A. Oslyakova, I. Tikhomirova, E. Petrochenko
2016-03-15 - Platelet hemostasis in patients with non-myeloid cancer
E. P. Petrochenko, I. A. Tikhomirova, M. M. Ryabov, N. V. Kislov, A. S. Petrochenko
2016-03-15 - Hemorheological properties in patients with solid tumors
Malysheva Yu. V., Tikhomirova I. A., Ryabov M. M., Kislov N. V.
2016-03-15 - Mathematical modelling and stability analysis of an inflation of thinwalled hyperelastic tube with applications to abdominal aortic aneurysms
E. V. Nikolova, T. Ivanov
Issue Vol. 29, No. 2-3, 2015 - Preface
Ya. Ivanov
2015-12-09 - A non-invasive biomechanical approach to the clinical follow-up of heart failure patients
I. Corazza, I. Diemberger, E. Reggiani, R. Zannoli
2016-02-02 - Biomechanical analysis of lower limb of soldiers in vehicle under high dynamic load from blast event
T. Klekiel Division of Biomedical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Zielona Gora
2016-02-02 - Computational fluid dynamics for the nordic combined skiing jump
N. Gardana, J. Laheurte, E. Gouy, N. Dey, E. Abdi, U. Asgher, M. A. Choukou, A. Schneider, R. Taiar
2016-02-02 - Innovative approach in the preparation of elite female handball players
I. Yotov
2016-02-02 - Complex dynamics of a colorectal cancer model
S. Nikolov
2016-02-02 - Biomechanics of glaucoma: factors influencing the intraocular pressure
St. Stoytchev, R.Collins
2016-02-02 - Rheological and electrical characteristics of erythrocyte suspensions in the presence of linear and micellar polyacrylic acid based species
I. Ivanov, N. Antonova, V. Mitova, P. Petrov
2016-02-02 - Evaluation of mechanical alterations of explanted hernia mesh
M. Kirilova-Doneva, D. Pashkouleva, V. Kavardzhikov, S. Sopotensky, G. Petrova, N. Gerasimov
2016-02-02 - Numerical modelling of indomethacin release from polymersome nanoparticles solution in the presence of ethanol
R. Blagoeva, A. Nedev, V. Michailova
2016-02-02 - Efficient control learning in sport and rehabilitation
D. Despotova, P. Kiriazov, G. Nikolova
2016-02-02 - Gait control of humans with assistive devices
R. Antonova, S. Karastanev, P. Kiriazov
2016-02-02 - Mathematical model for estimating of external mechanical work in step test
Z. Arakchiyski
2016-02-02 - Human body active orthosis as haptic device for interaction in virtual environments
M. Tsveov, I. Veneva, D. Chakarov, D. Trifonov
2016-02-02 - Modeling and simulation of the imunne system at humoral primary immune response
I. Edissonov, S. Ranchev
2016-02-02 - Analysys on the cells growth at adaptation of ironoxidizing bacterial strain Acidithioacillus ferrooxidans JCM3863 to 21g/L ferrous ions
E. Petrova, P. Zlateva
2016-02-02 - Second Conference Biomechanics Days of the Bulgarian Society of Biomechanics
Series on Biomechanics - Svetoslav Nikolov, Stoyan Stoytchev
2016-02-02 - Greetings for the 80th anniversary of William Popov
Series on Biomechanics - Stoyan Stoytchev
Issue Vol. 29, No. 1, 2015 - Preface
Editorial Board
2016-03-15 - Influence of hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus on erythrocyte aggregation using image digital analysis
M. Delannoy, A. Fontana, M. DArrigo, B. Riquelme
2016-03-15 - Oscillations in skin temperature after cold test in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and rheological properties of the blood
V. Kostova, N. Antonova, N. Chaushev, I. Velcheva, I. Ivanov
2016-03-15 - Effects of heating on the mechanical properties of human dentin
E. Koytchev
2016-03-15 - Optimization of wheelchair with standers
Y. Traore, P. Lestriez, D. Pradon, K. Debray, R. Taiar
2016-03-15 - Biomechanical features of the pole vault
Z. Arakchiyski
2016-03-15 - Biomechanical analysis of abnormal human gait: a review
D. Despotova
2016-03-15 - Announcement Biorheo 2015 - Varna
Editorial Board
2016-03-15 - AUTHOR INDEX
Editorial Board