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Series on BIOMECHANICS   ISSN 1313-2458
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Guide for Authors
Having read the Journal Topics and the Submission Guideline, authors are requested, using the Paper
Template, to submit their original manuscript in English (WORD format) via the on line submission
system after registration.
Please, make a registration request to the following email addresses:
Email: or

Types of manuscripts
The following types of manuscripts can be submitted for publication: Surveys, normally 4000 to 6000 words (by invitation from the Editor only).Original Articles, normally 2000 to 3000 words, although longer articles may occasionally be considered by the editors in special circumstances. Original Articles typically explore some explicit hypothesis or report original but substantial observations or data. Conceptually novel experimental or computational methods may be submitted as Original Articles when their relevance and importance is demonstrated. Short Communications, in the range of 500 to 1500 words, reporting preliminary observations, new interpretations of old data, simple new techniques or devices, or points of historical interest. Letters to the Editor, normally no longer than 1000 words. Book Reviews, normally no longer than 1000 words (by invitation from the Editor only).

Other material that can be published
(a) Announcements of relevant scientific meetings on biomechanics and related topics, societies and journals in the field;(b) Announcements of: employment opportunities, PhD and PostDoc positions, international projects.
What information to include with the manuscript

(a) Having read the criteria for submissions, authors should specify in their mail of transmittal, whether they are submitting their work as an Original Article, Short Communication, or a Letter to the Editor; (b) The mail of transmittal should be included stating that each of the authors has read and concurs with the content in the manuscript.  Attention: The sender of the transmitting mail will be "corresponding author". He will receive all editorial messages including 10 paper preprints.

How to prepare the paper ?
Please to click and to save the: PAPER TEMPLATE
Thank you to have read the submission guideline and to have used carefully the paper template.