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Series on BIOMECHANICS   ISSN 1313-2458
Array ( [session_started] => 1741487234 [LEPTON_SESSION] => 1 )


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Review criteria
  1. Suitability of topic
    • Is the topic appropriate for publication in this Journal?
    • Is the topic important to colleagues working in the field?
  2. Content
    • How would you rate the novelty of the manuscript?
    • How would you rate the significance of the manuscript?
    • How would you rate the overall organization of the paper?
    • Is the coverage of the topic sufficiently comprehensive and balanced?
    • Are the methods appropriate and presented in sufficient detail?
    • Are the data adequate to support the conclusions?
    • How would you rate the Bibliography?
  3. Presentation
    • Writing: Is it clear, concise, and in good English?
    • Title: Is it specific and does it reflect the content of the manuscript?
    • Abstract: Does it indicates the purpose of the work, what was done, what was found, and the significance?
    • Figures: Is the lettering proportionate to the size of the figure? Are there legends?
    • Tables: Can they be simplified or condensed? Should any be omitted?
    • Are symbols, terms, and concepts adequately defined?
  4. Template violations
    • Are there violations of the Paper Template?
  5. Relative rating of the manuscript
    • Assign a rating of the manuscript relative to other work in the same field

Key: 5=Excellent, 4=Good, 3=Satisfactory, 2=Unsatisfactory, 1=Poor