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Series on BIOMECHANICS   ISSN 1313-2458
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Numerical and experimental study of the functional loads distribution in the dental system to evaluate the new design of the sports dental splint
A. Kamenskih, N.B. Astashina, Y. Lesnikova, E. Sergeeva, A.G. Kuchumov
Abstract: Recently, it has been discussed that utilization of sports mouthguards decreases functional loads in the masticatory system. Nevertheless, little is known of the stress-strain state during application of the dental splint and teeth contact. Numerical simulation of a new concept for the design of a dental splint to be utilized in sports dentistry was performed. The dental splint design requires the construction from ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) material with polyvinyl siloxane (A-silicone) layer in the region with which the teeth interact. In order to evaluate the influence of A-silicone layer on the dental splint performance during teeth compression (central occlusion), a FE (finite element) contact model was developed. Three cases are analyzed: 1) interaction between the single tooth and half-space made from EVA; 2) interaction between the single tooth and half-space made from EVA with A-silicone layer; 3) interaction between a three-layer dental splint and two antagonist teeth. Moreover, the EMG (electromyogram) of masticatory muscles in sportsmen was evaluated before and after usage of the new design of the dental splint. As a result, the asynchronous performance of the athletes' masticatory muscles was detected before dental splint utilization; while after the dental splint utilization, EMG activity of the left and right masticatory muscles was normalized.

Series on Biomechanics, Vol.32, No.1 (2018), 3-15
Keywords: Contact; dental splint; EMG; ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA); friction; mouthguard; polyvinyl siloxane (A-silicone)
Date published: 2018-05-18
(Price of one pdf file: 39.00 BGN/20.00 EUR)