Correlation of the biomechanical indicators of the jump on the speed abilities of young female volleyball players
A. Nurja
, M. Gadev
, O. Hristov
, P. Peev
, P. Petkova
Abstract: The nature of the volleyball game requires many complex actions: running, jumping, serving, and others. Hence, the present study Objective: is to reveal the relationships between speed abilities and biomechanical attributes characterizing jumping performance in volleyball. Methods: anthropometry, performance testing, tensometry, chronometry, statistical procedures. Study group were 19 female volleyball players. Results: For a higher level of special speed endurance in volleyball, a higher level of maximal speed ability is necessary (r=0.714 and r=0.732). The 4x20 m shuttle test is more informative in volleyball. Explosive power exercises in the vertical plane have a positive effect in improving maximum speed (r=-0.707 to r=-0.714) and speed endurance (r=-0.525 to r=-0.638). Power correlated highly or very highly with the flight time, r=0.702 to r=0.931, respectively. Discussion: The research supports the claim that including jumping exercises in the vertical plane in the training process will have a positive impact on improving the values of maximum speed and speed endurance. Increase of peak force in volleyball should not be an end in itself but should be within the profile characterizing volleyball play. Conclusion: 1) speed abilities are influenced by speed-strength abilities and their characterizing indicators; 2) the 4x20m shuttle test was more informative and objective.
Series on Biomechanics, Vol.38, No.2 (2024), 29-36
Keywords: 1st synergism; 2nd explosive power; 3rd force; 4th strength and conditioning
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| Date published: 2024-08-01
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