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Hardware and Software Equipment for Monitoring the Technical Condition of the Electroencephalograph
D. Ketov, A. Nefedev, S. Bezborodov
Abstract: During the operation of electroencephalographs, the problem of monitoring the technical condition of the equipment without interrupting it from the operation process often arises. At present, all medical measuring devices, for example, electrocardiographs, electroencephalographs, are based on an electronic computer (personal computer, microcontroller). The computational potential of such devices is usually not fully utilized, which makes it possible to implement specialized verification and calibration algorithms, which makes it possible to determine the characteristics of the devices more accurately. The novelty of the approach lies in the use of a functional generator as part of a distributed measuring system. To control the technical state of the electroencephalograph, a distributed automated measuring system based on a functional DDS generator was developed, which allows the formation of specialized signals of various shapes and durations, requirements for a distributed measuring system were formulated. The developed functional DDS arbitrary waveform generator allows changing the frequency and amplitude of the test signal stored in the read-only memory over a wide range, which makes it possible to set from a computer any non-standard waveform that differs from standard signals. The developed functional DDS arbitrary waveform generator can be used to assess the quality and reliability of the operation of medical devices and systems with the required frequency, and with a flexible maintenance schedule, as well as to simulate test sequences of test signals. The purpose of this study is to develop a methodology for monitoring the technical state of electroencephalographic equipment using the previously presented model of test signals, developing the structure of a functional generator for the presented methodology and signal model, and carrying out an experiment to evaluate the obtained method.
Series on Biomechanics, Vol.36 No.2 (2022), 55- 62
DOI: 10.7546/SB.36.2022.02.05
Keywords: automated test system; Electroencephalograph; functional generator; instrumental control; nonparametric segmentation; waveform generator
Date published: 2022-06-17
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