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Series on BIOMECHANICS   ISSN 1313-2458
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7th Eurosummer School on Biorheology and Symposium on Micro and Nanomechanics and Mechanobiology of Cells, Tissues and Systems
Ya. Ivanov, N. Antonova, M. Rampling, E. Zvetkova
Abstract: The 7th European Summer School on Biorheology and the Symposium on Micro- and Nanomechanics and Mechanobiology of Cells Tissues and Systems (BIORHEO 2021) – (, have been organized for the seventh time in Bulgaria from August 28th – 31st, 2021. The International scientific forum BIORHEO 2021 was held at the International Home of Scientists “Frederick Joliot-Curie” – in the famous resort “St. Konstantin and Elena”, near Varna. The meeting was organized by the Bulgarian Society of Biorheology – in cooperation with the European Society of Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation (E.S.C.H.M) and co-organized by the Institute of Mechanics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The forum was held in person, and for the foreign and some of the Bulgarian participants - remotely, due to the pandemic situation. Biorheo2021 was held two months after the 2nd three society meeting of the European Society of Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, the International Society of Clinical Hemorheology and the International Society of Biorheology (ESCHM-ISCH-ISB2021 Fukuoka) in Fukuoka, Japan. July 2021. The aim of BIORHEO 2021 was to contribute for the international cooperation and contacts of scientists, to attract students, PhD-students, Post Doc-students and young researchers to improve their training and original studies in the field of Biorheology, Micro- and Nano-Mechanics and Mechanobiology of cells, tissues and Biosystems. The forum BIORHEO 2021 brings together specialists in the field of Biorheology and Biomechanics from different countries and continents.

Series on Biomechanics, Vol.36 No.1 (2022), 3-6
DOI: 10.7546/SB.01.2022

Keywords: 7th Eurosummer School; Biorheology; Cells; Mechanobiology; Micro and Nanomechanics; Tissues
Date published: 2022-04-12
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