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Series on BIOMECHANICS   ISSN 1313-2458
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Using X-ray diffraction and bone remodeling markers in characterization of bone nanocomposites in ovariectomized rats treated with zoledronic acid
N. Kostyshyn, M. Gzhegotskyi, L. Kostyshyn, R. Serkiz, Yu. Kulyk
Abstract: Bisphosphonates can effectively prevent the loss of mineral density in the femoral neck in women during menopause. The aim of this investigation was to study bone remodeling, nanocrystalline structure and correlation of crystals and amorphous component in the femoral neck after monthly introduction of zoledronic acid on an animal model in postmenopausal osteopenia. Female Wistar rats received intramuscular doses of zoledronic acid 3 mg/kg after adnexectomy. Relative amount of crystalline component and amorphous phase was determined by X-ray structure analysis and scanningcelectron microscopy. Bone metabolism was studied by means of hormone panel (Calcitonin, Parathyroid hormone) and the levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. Loss of mineral mass associated with ovariectomy increased significantly starting from the 8th week, which is confirmed by nanocomponent composition of the bones. Zoledronic acid supported the level of crystalline component closely to control (p<0.05 compared with ovariectomized rats). Calcium level rapidly decreased during the 8th-16th weeks, which correlated with hyperparathyroidism. Phosphorus level decreased statistically during the 8th-16th week, both in group I and II, compared with control. Zoledronic acid demonstrates high efficacy in prevention of bone mass loss after ovariectomy and maintains stable amount of crystalline component in the femoral neck.

Series on Biomechanics, Vol.35 No.2 (2021), 79-86

Keywords: bone mineral density; bone nanocomposites; bone remodeling; osteoporosis; X-ray diffraction; Zoledronic acid
Date published: 2021-07-02
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