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Series on BIOMECHANICS   ISSN 1313-2458
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Microrheological responses of intact red blood cells, their recovered ghosts and fractions of immature (young), mature and post-mature (old) cells to a carbon monoxide (CO) donor
A.V. Muravyov, I.A.Tikhomirova, N. M. Antonova, Ju.V. Malisheva, E.P. Petrochenko
Abstract: There is evidence that gaseous mediators such as nitric oxide (HO) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) have a positive effect on the microrheology of blood cells. However, of the three known gasotransmitters (GT) NO, H2S and CO, the microrheological effects of the latter (carbon monoxide) remain unexplored.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the microrheological responses of intact red blood cells (RBCs), their age fractions, and recovered ghosts under the influence of a CO donor. To study this problem, RBC deformability (RBCD), suspension viscosity (SV), and aggregation (RBCA) after incubation of cells with CO donor - Tricarbonylchloro (glycinato) ruthenium (II) (CORM-3) were examined. After RBC incubation with CORM-3 an increase in RBCD by 7% (p <0.01) and a decrease in RBCA by 43% (p <0.01) were observed. The SV decreased by 7 and 17% at high and low shear rates, respectively.
The incubation of the RBC recovered ghosts with the CO donor was accompanied by a slightly greater increase in RBC deformability (by 9%, p <0.01) than the intact RBCs. In the population of immature (“young”), mature and post-mature (“old”) RBCs, more pronounced deformability rise was observed in “old” RBCs under the influence of CORM-3, by 10%, which is significantly higher than in “young” (4%) and mature erythrocytes (8%). The decrease in the “old” RBC aggregation under the influence of the CO donor was also noticeably greater and amounted to 48%, while in “young” and mature RBC populations it was 17 and 36%, respectively.
Taken together the results of the study, obtained on the models of intact erythrocytes, their recovered ghosts and age-related RBC fractions, allow us to conclude that the CO donor moderately increases the RBC deformability and significantly reduces erythrocyte aggregation.

Series on Biomechanics, Vol.34, No.4 (2020), 3-9

Keywords: aggregation; CO; CORM-3; deformability; gasotransmitters; Red blood cells (RBCs); suspension; viscosity
Date published: 2020-12-11
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