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Series on BIOMECHANICS   ISSN 1313-2458
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Professor DSc Yuli Toshev (1945-2008) in memoriam
P. Kiriazov
Abstract: Founder of the Bulgarian Society of Biomechanics

On the 22nd of April 2018, it is turning 10 years since the late Prof. Yuli Toshev left us. He was a distinguished Bulgarian scientist in the field of biomechanics, founder of the Bulgarian society of Biomechanics. Prof. Toshev is an author of multiple publications and scientific works in the field of biomechanics. His research and publication activities is renowned worldwide, he is the initiator of the teaching course in the specialty “Biomechanics” in the South-West University “N. Rilski”. He had also authored textbooks and manuals for students. In 1995, Prof. Toshev founded the Bulgarian society of biomechanics, participated and organized international forums in biomechanics, both at home and abroad. The scientific journal “Biomechanics” with its first editor in chief academician G. Brankov was succeeded by the journal “Series in Biomechanics” in 2007, edited by Prof. Y. Toshev, and this time in English.

Since 2009, the journal continues its regular periodic with an editor in chief, academician Yatchko Ivanov and expanded international editorial board, while publishing results and scientific research by the local and international biomechanics community.

Since 1977, the Section “Biomechanics of movements, exoskeletons and manipulators” of the Institute of Mechanics is headed by Prof. Yuli Toshev. In 1989, the Section is renamed to “Biomechanics of movements and telemanipulators” and Prof. Toshev is again Section Head until his death in 2008.
Under the leadership of Prof. Toshev, the following research and development have been made:
- The first Bulgarian tensometric platforms for measuring the support reaction in locomotion as well as automated system for analysis of the locomotion information.
- The first Bulgarian exoskeleton EKZA for measuring the movements of the upper limb in humans
- Automated system for investigation of the sensory-motor coordination in humans – SIDEK
- The system STELEMAT for measuring the movement of pre-marked points of the human body
- Telemanipulators for the needs of the Nuclear Power Plant – Kozlodui
- Modelling and real-time control of telemanipulators and manipulators for 3D object recognition in supervisor mode
- Electronic control of wheeled chairs
- Mechano-mathematical modelling of the regional human body movements
- Application of biomechanics in forensics

The scientific research in the section of Prof. Toshev is taken over by the Department of Biomechanics (and other colleagues from the Institute of Mechanics) and the following research is being performed:
- Investigation of the anthropometric and mass-inertia characteristics, based on 3D mathematical models of human body
- Sensory system for data collection, analysis and orthosis control
- 3D analysis of movement control for aiding in pathologic and elderly gait
- Optimization of human motor control for application in rehabilitation and sport

Assoc. Prof. PhD Petko Kiriazov

Series on Biomechanics, Vol.32, No.1 (2018), 60-61
Keywords: Yuli Toshev
Date published: 2018-05-18
(Price of one pdf file: 39.00 BGN/20.00 EUR)