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Series on BIOMECHANICS   ISSN 1313-2458
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Prevention of handball injuries in adolescents (15-16 years)
Е. Avramov
Abstract: High achievements in contemporary sports are hard to imagine without a well organised, planned and systemic perennial, scientifically substantiated education and training. Not least, sports medicine and related prophylaxis and recovery have a growing role due to the fact that sports traumatism has serious consequences for athletes since they deprive them, temporarily or for good, of the opportunity to compete. On 15-17 June 2014, at the National Handball Championship for Adolescents of up to 16 years of age, a survey was held in the city of Varna among 95 handballers aged 15-16 years on the types of injuries they suffered so far. It was found that the largest number of injuries were in the area of the knee followed by injuries in the ankle. This is probably due to the physical and technical preparation of players, on the one hand, and, on the other, to the larger number of matches played. We recommend trainers, along with the rehabilitation of the injuries suffered, to consider the causes for their emergence.

Series on Biomechanics, Vol.30, No.4 (2016), 13-17
Keywords: Handball; prophylaxis; sports traumatism; teenagers
Date published: 2017-02-03
(Price of one pdf file: 39.00 BGN/20.00 EUR)