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Strain energy function of abdominal aorta aneurysms, obtained on the base of experimental data
St. Stoytchev, S. Antonova, M. Antonova
Abstract: We investigated the static mechanical properties of the human abdominal aorta aneurysms (AAAs) preparations taken by routine surgical interventions, using especially a designed experimental setup. The experimental data were approximated as Cauchy-Euler stress versus stretch ratio using four Strain Energy Functions (SEFs) well known from the literature, namely those of Mooney-Rivlin (1976), Delfino et al. (1997), Ogden (1984) and Fung (1967). The results could be summarized as follows: 1) The four constitutive models used fit very well with the experimental data with R2 > 0.99; 2) The exponential SEF of Fung and Delfino et al. with R2 = 1.0 best approximate the experimental data; 3) The optimal values of the material parameters are not sensitive to their starting point, except for the second parameter of Mooney-Rivlin SEF, the value of which was negative.
Series on Biomechanics, Vol.30, No.1 (2016), 15-19
Keywords: Abdominal aorta aneurysm; strain energy function; uniaxial test
Date published: 2016-02-10
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