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Announcement Biorheo 2015 - Varna
Editorial Board
Abstract: The Bulgarian Society for Biorheology (theoretical, experimental and clinical)
The European Society for Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation (E.S.C.H.M.)
Organize in cooperation with the Institute of Mechanics to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
5th Eurosummer School on Biorheology & Symposium on Micro and Nanomechanics and Mechanobiology of Cells, Tissues and Systems
Varna, Bulgaria, 1-5 September 2015
- Hemorheology and Microcirculation; In vivo Hemorheology and Hemodynamics
- Clinical Hemorheology and Hyperviscosity syndromes: Hemorheological disturbances in Cardiovascular, Cerebrovascular, Renal, Respiratory Diseases, Drug Abusers and others
- Rheology of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis
- Hemorheological Alterations in Atherosclerosis, Arterial hypertension, Diabetes, Aging
- Red Blood Cell Aggregation and Adhesion
- Cell Adhesion to Vascular Surface; Cell Interaction under Flow
- Micro and Nano Mechanics of Blood Cells and Vascular Cells
- Soft Tissues and Cell Mechanobiology
- Micro and Nano Mechanics and Rheology of Living Cells
- Mechanobiology of Biomolecules and Cells; Cell and Tissue Biorheology
- Food Rheology
- Bio- and Hemorheological Measurements, Technology and Equipment
- Optical, Ultrasound, Electrorheological Methods and Mechanical Properties of Tissues
- Computational Biofluid Mechanics, Cell Biology, Systems Biology
- Multidisciplinary Research in Biorheology
- Tissue Engineering and Implantantable Tissue Structures
- Biomechanics of Tissues, Organs and Systems
Deadline for On-line Abstracts Submission 30 June, 2015
Notification for Abstract acceptance 15 July, 2015
Deadline for Early Registration 15 July, 2015
Abstract are submitted on line through the web site:
Corresponding Address: 5th ESSB & Symposium - Institute of Mechanics – BAS
Acad. G. Bonchev St., bl. 4, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Fax: +3592 8707498, Tel. +3592 9796413; Email:
Date published: 2015-04-09
(Price of one pdf file: 39.00 BGN/20.00 EUR)