Optimization of race walking methods through preparatory exercises
P. Peev

, O. Hristov

Резюме: The biomechanical purposefulness upon execution of movements is the basis for high sports achievement in race-walking. At the same time, there are no exact and precise guidelines for conducting technical preparation in the literature. The aim of this research was to determine the methodological sequence in training. We measured the muscle activity of selected muscles in the upper body while race walking in exercises for learning the technique of this event. Research methods: electromyography and variation analysis. Nine preparatory exercises in race walking were studied. The data from the researched exercises showed that if we isolate arm work, the muscle activity of the Erector spinae longissimus is reduced, and the activity of Obliquus externus is enhanced. At the same time, moving the arms from the waist to the nape in some exercises, the work of the muscles is like that in race walking, and therefore, the methods should be built in the same way. Conclusions: (1) We can influence the execution technique of certain movements in race walking through a selected set of exercises; (2) The position of the arms has a significant impact on the activity of the muscles in the torso, which means that the inclusion of the arms in the exercises should be in an upward direction (from the waist to the nape).
Series on Biomechanics, Vol.37, No.4 (2023), 9-18
Ключови думи: EMG; muscle activation; Technique
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| Дата на публикуване: 2023-11-28
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