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Series on BIOMECHANICS   ISSN 1313-2458
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A set of anatomical databases for developing biomechanical models of the lower human limb
R. Raikovaorcid, S. Angelovaorcid, S. Delchevorcid, I. Ivanovorcid, P. Raykovorcid
Abstract: Biomechanical models of the human lower limbs are used in different areas, such as automobile design, rehabilitation, prosthetic and orthotic devices, etc. Many modelers have difficulties transferring anatomical data into mechanical concepts. The current paper aims to systematize the specific anatomical and biomechanical data for the muscles of the lower limb and their actions in the three main joints – hip, knee, and ankle – and to illustrate how a concrete model for concrete joints and motor tasks can be developed. Materials and methods: Two tables were composed using the data from different anatomical sources – textbooks, atlases, the internet, etc. The first consists of all 31 muscles crossing the three joints, using abbreviations, and their actions. In the second table, all muscles are ordered according to their importance in the joint motions. An anatomical model is developed for each muscle showing its anatomical position and attachment points. Results: Simple biomechanical models in sagittal and frontal planes with the most important muscles are developed. Discussion: The anatomical models show the position of all muscles on the lower limb and are very suitable for making biomechanical models of the whole limb or of specific joints. The two presented tables can help to choose the most important and suitable muscles and give possibilities to eliminate small and not very important muscles. Conclusion: The developed tables and models will save much time for non-specialists to orient themselves into the anatomical schemes, to create simple or complex biomechanical models, and calculate muscle forces and joint reactions.

Series on Biomechanics, Vol.38, No.3 (2024), 3-14

Keywords: Biomechanics; joint; lower limb; models; muscle
References: (click to open/close)
DOI: 10.7546/SB.01.03.2024
Date published: 2024-11-15
(Price of one pdf file: 39.00 BGN/20.00 EUR)