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Series on BIOMECHANICS   ISSN 1313-2458
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The contribution of red blood cell microrheological characteristics to impaired blood fluidity in peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) and their correction with gasotransmitters
E. Volkova, A. Zamyshlyaevorcid, A. I. Tikhomirovaorcid, A. Kolobanov, V. Gerasenkov, A. Muravyovorcid, N. Antonovaorcid, I. Velchevaorcid
Abstract: Objective: Peripheral arterial occlusive disease (POAD) is a pathology in which the artery dilatation reserve is reduced. Therefore, the rheological properties of the blood can either compensate for or worsen this vascular problem. The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of restoring normal microrheological values of red blood cells (RBCs) in patients with PAOD using gasotransmitter (GT) donors and substrates for their synthesis. Materials and methods: In healthy individuals (group 1, men, n=24) and patients with POAD (group 2, men, n=20), the characteristics of hemorheological profiles were recorded. Deformability of RBC (RBCD) and aggregation (RBCA) after cell incubation with GT donors: H2S (NaHS), NO (SNP) or substrates for their synthesis (L-arginine and L-cysteine) were measured. Results: In patients with POAD, a decrease in blood fluidity was observed due to an increase in plasma viscosity, RBCA and a decrease in RBCD. It was found that RBCD makes a greater contribution to the change in blood fluidity. GT donors and their synthesis substrates moderately increased RBCD (p<0.01) and significantly decreased RBCA (p<0.01) in both groups.
Discussion: It has been shown that deteriorated RBCD and high RBCA can be restored to normal values with the help of gasotransmitters. Moreover, a greater positive microrheological effect was observed when two gasotransmitters were used together.

Series on Biomechanics, Vol.38, No.2 (2024), 3-10
DOI: 10.7546/SB.01.02.2024

Keywords: blood fluidity; gasotransmitters; microrheology; Peripheral arterial occlusive disease; red blood cells
References: (click to open/close)
DOI: 10.7546/SB.01.02.2024
Date published: 2024-08-01
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