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Series on BIOMECHANICS   ISSN 1313-2458
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Anthropometric and body composition characteristics and somatotype of soccer players under 17 years
Y.G. Petsevaorcid, T. А. Dzimbovaorcid, A. G. Manchevorcid, N. S. Penchevaorcid
Abstract: Objective: The general purpose of this study was: (i) to identify the anthropometric profile, body composition and somatotype rating of adolescent male soccer players under 17 years (n=16, subdivided in two age groups – Group 14 years and Group 15-16 years); and (ii) to verify the differences according to age and playing position. Methods: The anthropometric measures and parameters of body composition was examined using bioimpedance analyser and caliperometers. The somatotype components and the somatotype coordinates were calculated according to the method of Heath and Carter. Data was analyzed using Graph Pad Prism software. Results and conclusions: All anthropometric and body composition parameters of the soccer players from Group 15-16 years were higher as compared with Group 14 years, but the increase was significant only for lean body mass and soft lean mass. The average somatotype for all players was 1.50-3.90-3.96. Numerous correlations were established between anthropometric parameters, body composition estimates and components of somatotype, which indicates that: - there is a lack of differentiation between mesomorphic and ectomorphic components in somatotyping with Heath-Carter method in children and adolescents; and - the changes in bi-epicondylar breadth of the femur during growth, are probably sensitive marker for the level of ontogenetic changes associated with increase of muscle mass in adolescents footballers. A significant difference was established for the somatotype rating between players from all playing positions, except forwards versus goalkeepers, which proves that the playing position affects the somatotype category and the values of the somatotype number in youth soccer players.

Series on Biomechanics, Vol.37, No.4 (2023), 76-84

Keywords: adolescents; Anthropometry; correlations; playing positions; soccer; somatotyping
References: (click to open/close)
DOI: 10.7546/SB.01.04.2023
Date published: 2023-11-28
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