Optimizing the technique in transition from piked to straight somersault with а twist
I. Kyuchukov
Abstract: In gymnastics practice (as well as in other similar disciplines), there are some exercises with a transition from piked to a straight somersault with a twist. This manuscript analyzes technical solutions that can be applied in transitioning from piked to straight somersault with rotation around a longitudinal axis (aerial twist option). A mathematical model for computer simulations of aerial movements was applied. The model consists of 16 rigid segments with 15 joint connections and 32 inner degrees of freedom. After numerical experiments, the effects on the amount of rotation around the longitudinal axis of the body as a result of different variants of movement of the active arm were established. Effective options for moving the active arm in a forward and backward somersault were demonstrated. The magnitude of the final amount of the twist was studied depending on the moment of the extension from the pike. The presented results from the computer simulations can be a useful reference point for sports pedagogues for achieving optimal results when teaching exercises with similar motor programs.
Series on Biomechanics, Vol.37, No.3 (2023), 32-37
Keywords: artistic gymnastics; flight phase; mathematical model; simulations; Twisting technique
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| Date published: 2023-08-02
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