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Series on BIOMECHANICS   ISSN 1313-2458
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Blood rheology and clotting in presence of gasotransmitters NO and H2S
I. Tikhomirova, A. Muravyov, E. Petrochenko, Yu. Malysheva, A. Petrochenko
Abstract: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of NO and H2S donors (sodium nitroprusside and NaHS) on blood rheology and clotting. Our data demonstrated that in the presence of NO donor aggregation activity of the platelets and erythrocytes was decreased, blood suspension stability increased, intensity of fibrinogenesis processes was reduced, and blood coagulation time was prolonged. H2S donor caused an increase in the aggregation activity of both platelets and erythrocytes, followed by the intensification of the contact phase of whole blood coagulation. The influence of H2S on the subsequent stages of the blood coagulation process generally coincided with the effect of NO – a decrease in the intensity of the clot polymerization and other stages of fibrinogenesis were fixed. The effect of NO on blood clotting and rheology was beneficial. H2S at the same concentration activated blood cell interactions and inhibited fibrinogenesis. Due to the complex nature of hemostasis the effects of H2S on various elements of coagulation system seems to be manifold because of its pleiotropic character.

Series on Biomechanics, Vol.36 No.1 (2022), 53-60
DOI: 10.7546/SB.07.2022

Keywords: blood coagulation; blood rheology; hydrogen sulfide; Nitric oxide
Date published: 2022-04-12
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