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Series on BIOMECHANICS   ISSN 1313-2458
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Study and analysis of characteristics describing the take-off in the long jump
T. Marinova, P. Peev
Abstract: Our research interest in the article is directed to the long jump discipline and it is expressed in detecting and determining objective features and quantitative criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the take-off phase executed by intermediate and low qualified jumper athletes. The study objectives were: 1) Research of the variability of dynamic and kinematic indicators when performing a take-off phase in the long jump, 2) Discovering their structural relationship and determining the most informative one. The study population were 25 athletes specializing in the long jump discipline. We used an electronic speed measurement system and a force plate for the power indicators including specialized software. We performed statistical analysis using SPSS v.19 and Excel 2010. Results: 1) The input force values in the range 750-1129N in the touchdown and in the propulsion phase, as well as the speed of movement within 7 m/s are arguments for a positive assessment of the sports technique in the long jump; 2) The time intervals for making these efforts also turn out to be important for the evaluation of the sports technique; 3) Higher values of muscle power realized in the take-off phase are also a positive indicator for a better sports technique. Conclusions: 1) The speed of approach to the take-off significantly determines the sports result in the long jump in intermediate and low qualified jumper athletes; 2) The significance of the take-off is a result of higher peak force values and reduced time to reach them; 3) Of particular importance for assessing the propulsion phase in the take-off in the long jump discipline are the following features: peak force value (F3max) and the time to reach it (t3).

Series on Biomechanics, Vol.35 No.4 (2021), 48-55

Keywords: kinematic and dynamic features; Long jump; speed; take-off
Date published: 2021-12-29
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