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Series on BIOMECHANICS   ISSN 1313-2458
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Comparative study of non-Newtonian physiological blood flow through the elastic stenotic artery with rigid wall stenotic artery
K. Mamun, K. Funazaki
Abstract: Arterial elasticity has become a vital predictor of cardiovascular diseases in the past few years, so numerical simulations have been done for a comparative study of blood flow through an elastic stenotic artery with a rigid stenotic artery. The wall of the vessels is considered to be rigid as well as elastic. Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the elastic wall of the artery are 1.08 MPa and 0.49 respectively. The blood has been considered as non-Newtonian fluid for the simulations. Physiological and parabolic velocity profile has been imposed for inlet boundary condition. Reynolds number at the inlet has been ranged approximately from 86 to 966 for the investigation. The laminar model has been used as a governing equation. The simulations have been performed by using ANSYS Fluent 18.1. The deformation of the arteries has been modelled as a two-way fluid-structure interaction (FSI) using the ANSYS package. Comparative results from the arteries of the rigid and elastic wall have been presented by graphical representations. Blood velocity, pressure, and wall shear stress have been taken as the numerical parameters. Thus, differences between rigid and deformed walls have been checked based on Blood velocity, pressure, and wall shear stress for different time steps.

Series on Biomechanics, Vol.34, No.3 (2020), 43 - 58

Keywords: Elastic wall artery; Non-Newtonian flows; physiological blood flow; rigid wall artery; vessel stenosis
Date published: 2020-10-15
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