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Series on BIOMECHANICS   ISSN 1313-2458
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Simulation of the long-term orthodontic tooth movement using finite-element analysis of viscoelastic model for periodontal ligament
E. Demishkevich, S. Gavriushin
Abstract: Orthodontic treatment consists in application of forces to teeth. A biological process, occurring in dentition under influence of orthodontic forces results in the movement of teeth through their supporting bones. Orthodontic tooth movement is initiated and controlled by the periodontal ligament (PDL) – a thin tissue connecting tooth and alveolar bone. PDL is responsible for nutrients supply of surrounding tissues, so changes in its deformed state cause bone resorption/apposition. Several authors presented their models of long-term orthodontic movement, but most of them are based on empirical remodeling laws. The objective of this study is to propose an approach to simulate orthodontic tooth movement considering the nature of biochemical processes occurring in the periodontal ligament. The effect of deformed PDL to bone remodeling is described in this study. Tooth movement in the presented biomechanical model is considered as iterative process, where displacements are calculated on each step, and then, bone is remodelled according to updated location of tooth and described behaviour of PDL. Finite-element method was used to calculate deformed state in PDL. PDL was modelled as a viscoelastic material, where elastic properties correspond to initial tooth movement and viscous properties represent long-term tooth movement caused by reconstruction of the bone tissue. The developed method allows simulation of orthodontic tooth movement reliably, using patient-specific models for analysis.

Series on Biomechanics, Vol.32, No.4 (2018), 56-62
Keywords: Dentofacial system; finite-element analysis; orthodontic treatment; tooth movement
Date published: 2019-02-01
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