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Series on BIOMECHANICS   ISSN 1313-2458
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Contributions of Academician Yatchko Ivanov, Editor in Chief of Journal Series on Biomechanics
N. Antonova
Abstract: Academician Yatchko Ivanov is a honorable member of the Institute of Mechanics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) and an internationally acknowledged mechanics researcher. Yet, his donations to the Institute of Mechanics and to the mechanics community in general are especially noteworthy.
In 2013 Acad. Ivanov established an award amounting to 500 levs to be granted annually to a young researcher for outstanding achievements in mechanics. The price is granted by a special jury, appointed by the National Committee of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. The award is granted three times so far and will be given for the fourth time.The application deadline is September 30 of the current year.
March 2016 Acad. Ivanov donated a sum of 1,300 levs to the Institute of Mechanics at BAS. He thus supported PhD student Anika Svilenova Alexandrova-Watanabe in her trip to Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia, and Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University "K.D.Ushinski", Yaroslavl, Russia, to conduct dissertation-related experiments.
July 2016 Acad. Yatchko Ivanov donated the Institute of mechanics, BAS, with a sum of 500 levs in support of the issuance of the journal “Series in Biomechanics”.
Being a member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Theoretical and Applied Mechanics” issued by the Institute of Mechanics, BAS, Acad. Ivanov made two times money donations in 2014 and 2016 with a sum of 500 levs to the Institute in support of the journal.
As said, these activities of Acad. Ivanov are worth acknowledging. We express our gratitude to our respected colleague, wishing him sound health and wellness and further scientific prolificacy.

Series on Biomechanics, Vol.30, No.2 (2016), 51-52
Date published: 2016-12-21
(Price of one pdf file: 39.00 BGN/20.00 EUR)