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Study of the mass-inertial parameters of the human thigh based on data for bulgarian males
G. S. Nikolova
Abstract: The estimation of body segment parameters is important for kinetic and dynamic analysis of human motion. For studying these a precise modeling of the individual segments of the body is necessary. The aim of this work is to improve the geometric modeling of the human thigh of the Bulgarian males [1], taking into account that the segment is dissect from the torso with a plane passing through the anterior superior iliac spine at an angle of 370 degrees to the sagittal plane. In our previous study the thigh was modeled as a frustum of cone. In the current study the thigh is modeled with geometric body being a combination of a frustum of circular cone on top of which is placed a part of cylinder cut with a plane making angle of 530 with respect to its base. This second part extends from anthropometric points omphalion - iliospinale. The volume, mass, center of mass and moments of inertia of the so-modelled thigh are calculated.
Keywords: Body segment parameters; human thigh; mass-inertial characteristics
Date published: 2013-12-09
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