Investigating the development of the agility in schoolchildren during Covid 19
D.S. Dasheva

, H. S. Andonov

, B. R. Zlatev

Резюме: Objective: This research aimed to investigate the development of motor quality agility in the context of the Covid pandemic, in secondary school students in Bulgaria. Materials and methods: A total of 23 students, 12 boys and 11 girls participated in the study. The scientific methods used were informative research on the problem, mathematical-statistical methods, theoretical analysis and synthesis and sports and pedagogical test for the assessment of agility - T-test. Results: The mean scores show that student achievement is better in the spring months, at the end of the school year (May), compared to the fall months at the beginning of the school year (September). Discussion: From the results obtained in the 3-year period from class X to XII, it was found that the lowest performance was in September 2019. In boys, the mean score for passing the T-test was 15.69 sec while in girls it was 17.21 sec. Also, the weaker results may result from the physiological changes that occur at this age at the end of puberty - teenagers (13-16 years - boys, 12-15 years - girls). The best results for boy's and girl's performance were in May 2021 - 11.84 sec. and 14.96 sec. Conclusion: Through the results obtained, we find that at the end of each school year, the results are better compared to the beginning of that school year. Logically, there is a cyclicality in the results that are recorded at the beginning of the school year and at the end.
Series on Biomechanics, Vol.38, No.1 (2024), 3-10
Ключови думи: Agility; Covid-19; students
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| Дата на публикуване: 2024-04-23
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