Mathematical modelling of basic anthropometric and mass inertial characteristics of young tennis players versus nonplayers: II case study for Bulgarian girls
G. S. Nikolova

, A. B. Dimitrova

, D. M. Dantchev

Резюме: In this article, we present the findings from the anthropometric measurement of 55 non-players (GN) and 33 girls tennis players (GTP) ages 14 to 17. In order to create a mathematical 3D model of the average girl player (AGP) and nonplayer (AGNP), we determine each group's average mass and height. Every segment of the body is represented by a geometrical body in the model. Based on the model, we calculate each segment's mass-inertial characteristics, such as its volume, mass, centres of mass, and moments of inertia, using the analytical properties of these 3D geometric bodies. We make an effort to understand how the sport affects the physical development of teenage girl players, ages 14 to 17, by contrasting the results of the two groups. Our study is intended to inspire teenage girls to engage in sports, whether for fun or competition.
Series on Biomechanics, Vol.37, No.3 (2023), 26-31
Ключови думи: anthropometry; girls tennis players; Human body modelling; mass-inertial parameters
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| Дата на публикуване: 2023-08-02
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