The maximum (relative) strength of the arms, trunk, and legs and its relationship with the speed at which weight reaches its highest value in the clean phase
M. Manea

, H. Uday

Резюме: Objective: To determine the relationship between maximum (relative) strength and the speed of reaching the weight's maximum height at the moment the lifter descends under the weight. Materials and methods: The participants were eight weightlifters from the Iraqi national team (seniors) (age: 24.18 ± 0.93 years, height: 178.63 ± 3.50 cm, body mass: 87.88 ± 10.16 kg). Several tests (jerk-grip deadlift, deadlift, and back squat) were used for the purpose of measuring the relative strengths of the arms, trunk, and legs. A video camera was used for the purpose of measuring the rate of weight speed. Results: There was a significant correlation between the relative maximum strength of the arms, trunk, and legs and the speed of weight, with correlation coefficients ranging from .83 to .98, which were significant (P <0.05). The effect size values ranged from 2.203 to 5.352. Discussion: The muscular strength of the arms and leg muscles are crucial in lifting weights, with the erector spinae muscles, hips, and lateral muscles playing a significant role in transferring the necessary speed and movement to the weight. The leg muscles are particularly effective during the second pulling stage, ensuring the weight is lifted to its highest point. Conclusion: demonstrate the crucial and positive role of maximal muscular strength (relative) in the muscles engaged in the arms, trunk, and legs during the phases of weightlifting in the clean section of the lift.
Series on Biomechanics, Vol.38, No.1 (2024), 20-25
DOI: 10.7546/SB.03.01.2024
Ключови думи: clean and jerk; speed; Strength; weightlifters
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| Дата на публикуване: 2024-04-23
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