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Series on BIOMECHANICS   ISSN 1313-2458
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Hemodynamic assessment of aortic stent graft implantation using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
A. Belaghit, B. Aour, H. Benchenane, M. Larabi
Резюме: Stent implantation is one of many methods used to stabilize aneurysm disease. The information obtained regarding hemodynamic parameters in pathological arteries with stents could help surgeons in the choice of treatment before surgery. In this context, CFD simulations is an essential tool that can provide more detailed information which can be used by surgeons to find adequate solutions for pathologies under consideration. The objective of this work is to develop reliable numerical models for the hemodynamic assessment of thoracic aortic stent-graft implantation using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). To this end, three-dimensional geometries of intact and stented aortas were reconstructed based on computed tomography using image processing and computer-aided design software. A comparison of the obtained results of pressures variations and blood velocities during the systolic and diastolic phase and throughout the cardiac cycle was presented and discussed. The distribution of shear stresses is also analysed for both cases. The numerical results highlighted the stent effect in correcting hemodynamic disturbances in the aneurysmal zone of the studied aorta, and justified the effectiveness of the type of stent chosen. The numerical simulations developed in this work revealed detailed and necessary information for the cases studied and demonstrated the added value of this numerical modelling for diagnosis and surgical intervention.

Series on Biomechanics, Vol.37, No.4 (2023), 27-38

Ключови думи: aneurysm; aorta; CFD; Hemodynamic; stent
Литература: (click to open/close)
DOI: 10.7546/SB.04.04.2023
Дата на публикуване: 2023-11-28
(Price of one pdf file: 39.00 BGN/20.00 EUR)