Semantic priming as modulator of saccade size and pupil diameter in glaucoma patients

, M. Iliev

, T. Dimitrova

, I. Sazdova

, E. Ivanova, Tz. Dimitrov

, К. Damov, H. Gagov

Резюме: The aim of this research is to study the effect of semantic priming on saccade parameters and pupils’ diameter, and the potential of their use in early diagnosis of glaucoma. Data from patients with glaucoma, collected with Gazepoint GP3 HD eye tracker, were compared to healthy subjects. The main findings of this study are: a) saccade sizes (amplitudes) for static pictures are higher in glaucoma patients versus healthy controls, while semantic priming reduces of inverts this difference, and b) pupil diameters of left and right eyes of glaucoma patients increase during static scene task compared to those obtained under restricted illumination during the calibration at the beginning of experiments. It is concluded that readily measurable parameters size of saccades and diameter of the eye’s pupil can be helpful for diagnosis of glaucoma and to follow its progression. Additionally, semantic priming seems to be a useful method to ease the quality of life of people with glaucoma.
Series on Biomechanics, Vol.38, No.4(2024), 133-139
DOI: 10.7546/SB.18.04.2024
Ключови думи: eye movement; glaucoma; pupil contraction; saccade; Semantic priming
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